Modern Pet Salon is an authorized FURminator® Shed-less Treatment facility. The process is designed for both long and short-haired pets of any size that shed. It is a great alternative to shaving down your pet. Your pet will look and feel better, and as an added bonus, by reducing the amount of pet hair in your environment by 90%, allergy sufferers may find they breathe easier, due to a reduction of pet dander in the air!
The FURminator® Shed-less Treatment consists of four steps:

A massaging bath with FURminator®
deShedding shampoo and conditioner separates your pet’s coat, opens up, stimulates the hair follicles and invigorates circulation.

Loose Hair Detachment
FURminator® deShedding solution is applied to loosen undercoat and loose hair.

High Velocity Dryer
A high velocity dryer eliminates the excess loose coat on your pet.

Bright & Healthy
The FURminator® deShedding tools are then used to extract loose hair and leaving only the shiny and healthy top coat.